1/10. What is the purpose of supplementing folic acid while planning to get pregnant?
Correct! Wrong!
2/10. Can drinking a glass of water before sampling blood affect the results of laboratory tests?
Correct! Wrong!
3/10. If your first childbirth was delivered by c-section, can you deliver your next baby vaginally?
Correct! Wrong!
4/10. Are swellings during pregnancy an indication for water intake reduction?
Correct! Wrong!
5/10. What does the term ‘vertical position’ mean?
Correct! Wrong!
6/10. In a newborn, water constitutes:
Correct! Wrong!
7/10. Should you be on a special diet while breastfeeding?
Correct! Wrong!
8/10. How much water should you drink if you are planning to get pregnant?
Correct! Wrong!
9/10. What is the “4th trimester of pregnancy”?
Correct! Wrong!
10/10. How should you drink water while you are pregnant?
Correct! Wrong!
Quiz 3
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Quite well done! Learn more – read the expert articles on our blog.
Great job! You know a lot about proper hydration.